Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Discussion: Climate, Culture, Consequences of Sexual Harassment in STEM and the Academy

Leaders in higher education, entertainment, technology, medicine, and politics will discuss NASEM's report and actions to prevent sexual harassment, to be live-streamed Tues, June 26, noon- 6:15,  Pre-publication Consensus Study Report can be downloaded from NAP as can the brief Recommendations Report

Please contact Heather engelman@esf.edu to RSVP for local viewing (314 Bray), or for the recorded 6/12 Press Conference (1.5 hrs)

Tentative Agenda
12-12:15  Welcome, Joan Bennett, Chair, Committee on Women in Sci., Engineering, Medicine, NASEM; Distinguished Prof, Rutgers U

12:15-12:45  Remarks from NAS President, Marcia McNutt

12:45-12:55  Background of Study, Frazier Benya, Study Director, NASEM

12:55-1:30  Overview of Report, Beth Hillman, Committee Member and President, Mills College

1:30-1:45  Break

1:45-2:30  Responses and Perspectives from Higher Ed, moderated by John Crockett, Sponsored Research Project Dev &  Mgmt, San Diego U.  Panel: Ana Mari Cauce, Pres, U Washington; Francisco Rodriquez, Chancellor, LACC District; Deborah Krakow, Prof/Chair, OB/GYN, UCLA; Kirsten Quanbeck, Assoc. Chan, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, UC-Irvine

2:30-3:15  Discussion with Panelists and Study Committee Members

3:15-4:30  Break

4:30-5:15  Perspectives on the Report’s Value to Society and Other Workplaces, Moderated by Valerie Conn, Exec. Dir., Science Philanthropy Alliance.  Panel:  Anita Hill, Chair, Commission on Sex. Harassment & Advancing Equality in the Workplace and Univ. Prof Social Policy, Law, and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Brandeis Univ; Melissa Melendez, CA State Assembly

5:15-6  Discussion with Panelists & Study Committee Members

6-6:15  Closing Remarks, Beth Hillman

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