Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Coffee/Tea Breaks for Networking/brainstorming/Open Discussion resumes 10/28

Block out Oct 28, Nov 11, and Dec 2, all 12:45-2:15 (pop in, or stay, as your schedule permits).  324 Bray for Oct and Dec dates, 314 for November. 

Discuss issues facing women in your field, role, or intersection with any other identity.   Which populations are on solid footing?  Which need more support?

Some (all?) of you might be thinking “I (or my students) don’t have time to lounge mid-day.”  Of course not!  But short breaks help individuals regroup and gain fresh perspectives, and diversity of thought is beneficial for problem solving.  Networking and group mentoring are recommended to remove power differentials, and makes for some rich discussions.    And don’t forget about the research  that stress responses in women are moderated by social supports (tend and befriend vs fight or flight).  Or that while sexual coercion and unwanted sexual attention may have waned, gender harassment is pervasive (and campuses that let that fly tend to have higher rates of those more egregious issues).

So take a break with us; it’s good for you (and business, too).

2019 Women's Empowerment Brunch announced

The Baobab Society would like to formally invite the campus to the Women's Empowerment Brunch. It is an annual event meant to celebrate women from any background and encourage ally-ship and support from around campus and the community. 

The event will take place on Saturday, November 9th from 11:00am-2:00pm in the Gateway Center. Admission is free and open for all to come, so invite friends and family!  In addition to serving free brunch, we will be hosting a panel and group discussion about women in the workforce, in STEM, and representation across all levels and groups. 

We'd love to have you for this event! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact or Emily Li at and we'd be happy to answer them.