Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Choose action!

Do you know what to do if you see someone threatening a partner?  Are you unsure how to respond when someone tells an inappropriate joke?  6 session workshop for students begins 1/23/2020 at 11 am in 110 Moon.  RSVP: chooseaction@esf.edu Questions: jkeating@esf.eduEver witnessed situations or heard statements that sent up hackles, but weren’t sure what to do or say to intervene or how to get help? The Choose Action Network will be conducting the next Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Training for students over a 6 part workshop beginning NEXT THURSDAY (1/23/2020 during College Hour)! MVP is a renowned “gender violence, sexual harassment and bullying prevention program…[that teaches bystanders how] to challenge … social, cultural and institutional norms that support abusive behavior.”  Participants will have opportunities to practice responses AND gain a cohort of like-minded folks who share their concerns for a safer community.

We strongly encourage students to attend all the sessions.

This session is for students--please contact chooseaction@esf.edu to sign up!  For more information, contact Jennifer Keating at Jkeating@esf.edu.  Faculty and staff—let students know they have your support to participate, and stay tuned for announcement for a separate workshop just for you! 

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