Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Bringing women's ways of knowing to deliberative democracy
Dr. Sue Senecah, Faculty of
Environmental Studies, examined the history of "Tech-Reg"
decision making nvite, Inform, Ignore), and contrasted it with
the more collaborative approaches to problem solving that
encourage systems thinking and respect different ways of knowing
(traditional as well as scientific). The former assumes
linear cause and effect; the later recognizes that much conflict
arises from real or perceived obstacles to participation, and
that solutions come from building a trusting relationship.
Dr. Senecah notes that trust does not denote liking, but r that
other party is true to his or her word. Out of this
discussion came a realization of participants that traditional
ways of knowing uses as much (if not more) listening as well as
talking, which means that there may be "uncomfortable" silences
as each party absorbs the others words.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Dr. Rosemary O'Leary: Managing Guerilla Government
As part of the course requirements for FOR 496/797 Women
& Environmental Careers, students share responsibility for reporting on
speakers. The following was prepared by Arlene Ast.
Dr. O’Leary discussed the topic of “Guerilla Government” which refers to career public servants who act against the wishes, either explicitly or implicitly, communicated by a superior. They are not political appointees. Most are not whistleblowers or themselves corrupt.
While working as a Director at a State Environmental
Agency, she decided to obtain data to provide a more complete and accurate
scientific account of activities. This information was to provide a basis for
intervention and dispute system design. O’Leary noted it should be “Built for
Diversity” with a balance in decision making. The thesis of her book is that
“Guerilla Government” happens all the time. There is manifestation of inevitable
tensions between Bureaucracy and Democracy, which never go away. She illustrated
that Bureaucratic Politics, Ethics and Organizational Management are all
O’Leary provided many specific examples of “Guerilla”
intervention and its impact on the final outcome and directed individuals to her
recent book “The Ethics of Dissent: Managing Guerilla Government (Public Affairs
and Policy Administration)”for 24 separate and distinct examples of Guerilla
Government. She found that many “guerillas” work behind the scenes. They obey
superiors in public but in private may leak information to the media or
ghostwrite letters. These individuals may neglect policies or directives in
which they disagree or they fail to implement orders they think unfair.
“Guerilla Government is here to stay,” stated O’Leary.
She noted that most public organizations are inadequately equipped to deal
effectively with Guerilla Governments. O’Leary provided suggestions to work with
Guerilla Governments which include encouraging staff to challenge assumptions
and actions of the organization to create multiple channels for dialogue, debate
and dissent. “There need to be dissent boundaries and you need to know when to
stop. You must understand the formal and informal (i.e., Guerilla Government)
organization. Learn to separate the people from the problem and
In closing, O’Leary suggests that before you consider
becoming a “Guerilla,” you must consider that any change may be immediate and
permanent. “Your reasoning could be based on safety and health concerns.
Clearly, an ethical decision. However, be aware that others may view your choice
as insubordinate and with an ulterior motive.”
Dr. O’Leary is a graduate of the University of Kansas and obtained her Ph.D from Syracuse University in Public management, law and
public policy, organization theory, administrative and environmental law,
environment and natural resource policy and management, as well as dispute
resolution. She serves as the
Co-Director, Program for the Analysis and Resolution of Conflict, and Senior
Research Associate in Syracuse University's Campbell
Public Affairs Institute and Center for
Environmental Policy and Administration..
O’Leary’s areas of expertise include Public Management, Environmental Policy,
Dispute Resolution, and Law. She is nationally recognized for her teaching,
research, and service.
For more
information about the Women in Scientific and Environmental Professions Speaker
Series, please visit
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sharon Todd: Are Quiltmakers, Scuba Divers, and Outdoor Adventurists Cut from the Same Cloth?
As part of
the course requirements for FOR 496/797 Women in Environmental Careers, students
share the responsibility for reporting on speakers in ESF’s Women in Scientific
and Environmental Professions Speaker Series.
The following was prepared by Corenne Black and Rachel Kaminski.
On April 10, 2007, Dr. Sharon Todd,
Associate Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the State University of
New York at Cortland, presented her research, entitled “Cut from the Same Cloth:
Quiltmakers, Scuba Divers, and Outdoor Adventurists” at SUNY-ESF. Her
presentation was part of the ongoing SUNY-ESF Women in Environmental and
Scientific Professions Seminar Series, sponsored by SUNY-ESF and the ESF Women’s
Caucus. The presentation focused on the degree of seriousness people apply to
certain recreational activities.
Dr. Todd enthusiastically presented her research involving
quiltmakers, scuba divers, and outdoor adventurists, which reexamined
traditional conceptions about competition in recreation research. Traditionally,
studies have presented a linear relationship of competitiveness where initially
one competes against the learning the activity, followed by competing against
the standards of the activity, then progressing to competing against oneself,
and finally to competing with other people. This is commonly represented in
terms of beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert. Dr. Todd developed a
theory of a nonlinear competitiveness curve incorporating one competing against
perfection, which she classified as the “truly elite” and the “over-the-hiller”
(i.e., “post expert”). Using her research, which involved surveying quiltmakers,
scuba divers, and outdoor adventurists, Dr. Todd was able to show how each of
these groups of leisure pursers support her theory of a nonlinear
competitiveness curve.
Dr. Todd also studied for her
research the role of leisure constraints on the level of development of
quiltmakers, scuba divers, and outdoor adventurists in terms of intrapersonal
(i.e., an individual’s personal or psychological constraints), interpersonal
(i.e., constraints created by someone else), and structural (i.e., constraints
related to environmental, time, money) constraints. These barriers to
participating in leisure activities can affect one’s level of competitiveness
and can potentially prevent one from progressing through levels of leisure
development (e.g., intermediate to advance). Graphing the results of how
constraints affect the level of development shows a nonlinear curve and hence
supports Dr. Todd’s theory of a nonlinear competitiveness curve as well. So yes,
quiltmakers, scuba divers, and outdoor adventurists are cut from the same cloth
in terms of their leisure pursuits.
Dr. Sharon Todd received a B.S. in Business Administration and a
B.S. in Recreation from Southern Illinois University. She pursued her M.S in
Recreation and Parks as well as her Ph.D. in Leisure Studies at Pennsylvania State University. Her academic interests
includes social psychology of leisure and outdoor research methods. She spends her leisure time cross-country
skiing, camping, canoeing, and playing field hockey. Currently, Dr. Todd is an
Associate Professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at SUNY
Cortland as well as the Co-Director of SUNY Cortland’s Outdoor Education
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Can girls be fishermen? A discussion on recreation and gender,
Dr. Diane Kuehn looked at the
factor's in people's lives that impacted their participation in
sport fishing. She wanted to know why fishing has declined
over the last decade, and why only 12-14% of those that fish are
women. The results of her two-part surveys indicate that
there is a significant difference in the starting age of
anglers: males had started at an average age of 7, and all
started prior to adulthood; females had started at an average
age of 10, and 22% had been introduced to the sport as adults.
Most had learned from their fathers; the adult women were
introduced by their partners or spouses. Grandfathers and
uncles were more likely to teach nephews and grandsons than
nieces and granddaughters.
Kuehn also looked at frequency
and opportunity to fish. In all age groups, females fished
less frequently. Their activity was influenced by the support of
other family members. Males, on the other hand, were
influenced more by their commitment to the sport.
Socialization during the activity was important to both genders
during adolescence, and fishing as a family tradition was very
important to girls. Women were much more focuses on the
social aspect of fishing. While this can be important to
men, too, they also cited the sport of it, and men were much
more likely to fish by themselves.
Kuehn then inquired of the participants about their favorite outdoor activities, why they enjoy them, and who indoctrinated them.
Kuehn then inquired of the participants about their favorite outdoor activities, why they enjoy them, and who indoctrinated them.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Climate Change Scientist Speaks in Syracuse
By Diane Kuehn, SUNY-ESF
Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel
a Climate Scientist with the Global Environment
Program, Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) based in Washington, DC,
spoke at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and
Forestry (SUNY-ESF) on Tuesday, March 6 on “Global Warming:
The Science behind the Headlines.” The presentation was co-sponsored by
the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Initiative of Syracuse University,
SUNY-ESF, the ESF Women's Caucus, and
the Syracuse University Graduate
School. The presentation was part of SUNY-ESF's Women
in Scientific and Environmental Professions Speaker Series.
Dr. Ekwurzel began her presentation by discussing climate
changes and trends since 1850. Some of the points she mentioned were:
7% of the maximum area of frozen ground has
decreased since 1900 in the Northern Hemisphere.
Satellite data collected since 1978 indicate a
20% reduction in the extent of summer sea ice.
Eleven of the last twelve years have been the
hottest on record since 1850.
Dr. Ekwurzel discussed the connection between reduced sea
ice and snow coverage and the increased average global temperatures.
Specifically, since sea ice and snow work to reflect back into the atmosphere
about 90% of the sun’s energy, losing ice actually increases heat absorption by
the earth.
Why is the snow and sea ice melting? Given the relative stability
of the sun’s energy output and of the amount of other particles in the air
(such as those from volcanic ash) over time, most of the change appears to be
due to increasing amounts of heat-trapping emissions in our atmosphere. Carbon
dioxide, for example, is produced in large quantities by fossil fuel-burning
machines and power generation facilities today and, because of its slow
absorption by the earth’s oceans (absorption can take anywhere from 50 to 1000
years), accumulates in our atmosphere over time. Methane (average absorption
time of 12 years) and nitrous oxide (average absorption time of 114 years) are
two of the other heat-trapping gases.
What can we expect in the future in Central
New York? Dr. Ekwurzel discussed future changes such as the annual
average temperature rising, shorter winters, and a shorter coverage of ice on
nearby lakes. She also stated that there will likely be more intense
precipitation, both in the winter and during other seasons as well, when storms
do occur. Elsewhere in the country, subtropical areas will likely continue to
dry out, coastal areas may experience flooding, and urban areas (because of the
extensive amount of pavement and buildings) will have amplified summertime
What options does our society have for the future? The first
option that Dr. Ekwurzel raised is to decrease the amount of longer-lived gases
(e.g., carbon dioxide) released into the atmosphere to prevent the buildup of
these gases over time. Our society may also need to adapt to climate changes
over time by altering the design of our homes or the location of our residences
(e.g., away from coastal areas). Finally, Dr. Ekwurzel emphasized the need for
new options for the future.
Brenda Ekwurzel works on the national climate program for the Union of
Concerned Scientists (UCS). She is leading UCS's climate science education work
aimed at strengthening support for strong federal climate legislation and sound
climate policies. Prior to joining UCS, Dr. Ekwurzel was on the faculty of the
University of Arizona Department of Hydrology and Water Resources with a joint
appointment in the Geosciences Department. Her specialty is isotope
geochemistry, a tool she has used to study climate variability in places as
disparate as the Arctic Ocean and the desert
Southwest. She has published on topics that include climate variability and
fire, isotopic dating of groundwater, Arctic Ocean
tracer oceanography, paleohydrology, and coastal sediment erosion. She has also
worked as a hydrologist with the Connecticut Department of Environmental
Protection, working with communities to protect groundwater sources. Dr.
Ekwurzel completed her doctorate work at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of
Columbia University and post-doctoral research at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory in California.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Heine Discusses Green Chemistry and Cradle to Cradle Product Design
By Amanda Meyer and Judy Crawford
Dr. Lauren Heine, Director of Applied Science for the
GreenBlue Institute, gave a presentation entitled Green Chemistry and Cradle to Cradle Product Design on Tuesday,
February 6, 2007 as part of SUNY-ESF's Women in Scientific and Environmental
Professions Spring Seminar Series. The Faculties of Chemistry and Paper and
Bioprocess Engineering and the ESF Women's Caucus jointly sponsored the event.
Dr. Heine's lecture focused on material health and green
chemistry's contribution to it. Material health refers to products that are
safe to both humans and the environment during their full life cycle, with a
focus on design for safe, productive return to nature or industry. Material
health is important because materials can directly and indirectly affect the
health of entire ecosystems, as well as humans. After defining material health
and its importance, Dr. Heine cited examples of both direct and indirect impacts
of bad product design. Dr. Heine then turned her attention to strategies.
The four strategies for material health described by Dr.
Heine were Know Your Product (Inventory), Know the Potential Impacts (Impact
Assessment), Choose Green Chemical
Products and Processes, and Remember
the Big Picture. “Knowing your product” means identifying all components
and ingredients of the product, ideally down to 100 ppm. This strategy includes
requiring full ingredient disclosures and creating lists of suppliers who are
either preferred (P-list) or should be avoided (X-list) based on their product
“Knowing the Potential Impacts” means preventing harmful
consequences by understanding the toxicity, hazard, and risks associated with
your materials over their full life cycle. Toxicity refers to the adverse
effects of exposure to various agents to living organisms and ecosystems. When
assessing toxicity, it is important to keep the dose and the timing of the exposure in mind. Hazards include such things
as extreme toxicity to humans and ecosystems, bioaccumulation, and more. Risk
equals hazard multiplied by exposure.
“Choosing Green
Chemical Products and Processes” includes selecting safer and healthier
alternatives; designing healthy alternatives in collaboration with suppliers;
and looking for emerging green chemistries and technologies. Green chemistry is
the design of chemical processes and products to reduce and/or eliminate
hazardous substances. Dr. Heine outlined twelve principles of green chemistry and
provided examples of products and companies using green chemistry.
Dr. Lauren Heine received her doctorate in Civil and
Environmental Engineering from Duke
University. She is
currently the Director of Applied Science at the non-profit institute GreenBlue.
Dr. Heine is also directing the development of CleanGredientsTM and
the Sustainable Textile Metrics standard. In addition, she consults and
publishes on issues relating to green chemistry, alternatives assessment and
sustainable material flows.
The next lecture in this series, Global warming: the science
behind the headlines, is scheduled for Tuesday, March 6, and will feature
Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel, Climate Scientist, Global Environment Program, Union of
Concerned Scientists, Washington, DC.
This visit will also be part of Syracuse University’s
Women in Science and Engineering Speaker Series. For more information, please visit
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