Dr. Burkholder presented her work
to an audience of approximately 130 members of the campus community in Illick
5. She began her talk outlining the many
people with whom she has worked and expressed gratitude to her co-workers and
graduate students for their help and expertise.
After her introduction, she chronologically traced her work, from
investigating the causes of several large estuarine fish kills in the
Mid-Atlantic states to the identification of Pfiesteria as the causative agent.
She also discussed the impacts of Pfiesteria
on human health and how it can compromise the immune system of humans. While
Dr. Burkholder’s lab has done many studies on Pfiesteria, they are still working to understand what triggers the
organism to become toxic in the presence of fresh fish. She outlined the numerous safety measures
they use in their laboratory, the difficulty of working with an organism that
has a 27-stage lifecycle and how the timing of her analyses is critical to her
Dr Burkholder also spoke of the
controversy surrounding her research.
She related receiving personal threats from swine industries when she
discovered that effluent from their operations was linked to toxic Pfiesteria blooms. She also described attempts by other
scientists and interests to discredit and suppress her research. Only when a large fish kill occurred in
Chesapeake Bay and the governor of Maryland publicly called for further
investigation, was Pfiesteria identified
as the causative agent. As a result of
the controversy surrounding her research, Dr. Burkholder uses an extremely
conservative approach when trying to determine the cause of a fish kill. She outlined her methodology used to
determine whether Pfiesteria is the
causative agent, and described how all her lab results are verified by another
independent laboratory.
Overall, Dr. Burkholder’s talk was
quite fascinating the way science and policy became inextricably linked while
studying an organism that no one can see.
Her slides contained an appropriate amount of text and contained
numerous electrographs of microbes. She
also had slides containing newspaper text that outlined the relevance of her
research. Dr. Burkholder also
interjected her personal experiences into the talk making the lecture filled
with science, policy and interesting stories.